World War 3 Predictions Coming True - 2015 and Onwards

Introduction Part
  • As per my previous post "IMAGINATION OF WORLD WAR III", Clairvoyant Horacio Villegas has predicted that World War III will be nuclear. Numbers, facts and current situation are showing the same.

    • In World of Nuclear Weapons, five countries are member of NPT (Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons).
    1. United States
    2. Russia
    3. United Kingdom
    4. France
    5. China

    • Other countries that declared possession of nuclear weapons
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. North Korea
    • Other countries believed to possess nuclear weapons
    1. Israel
    • So, in my previous post; all leader countries of world war III have nuclear weapons that enough to destroy the entire world.
    • There are some other countries that secretly developing technology to produce nuclear weapons.
    • No. of nuclear weapons available with nuclear countries.(Approximate)
    1. Russia-                          7300
    2. United states-               6900
    3. Israel-                              400
    4. France-                            300
    5. China-                              260
    6. United Kingdom-            215 
    7. Pakistan-                         130
    8. India-                                120
    9. North Korea-                    10

     Facts that indicate "World is dividing into two groups"

    1. US dropped "MOAB"(Mother of All Bombs) on Afghanistan to kill ISI Terrorists, that trigger race between other countries to make this size of bombs & drop it by saying that they are using this bomb attacks to kill ISI Terrorists.
    Image result for us bomb mother of all bomb attack on afghanistanImage result for us bomb mother of all bomb attack on afghanistan
     2. US is still supporting &  helping Pakistan to make its grip on Asia continental.
     3. Pakistan is using that help against India & helping Taliban and other terrorist groups in middle     east.
     4. China relation with Pakistan and U.S.A.

    Situations that lead Nuclear War
    1. Pakistan is continuously warning India that  they will no back off for using nuclear weapon against India.
    2. China aggressive behaviour against United States of America.
    3. Weapon race between different countries.
    4. North Korea is continuously developing nuclear weapons & warning US & China for using the same against them.
    5. Race begin to make larger size of Bombs between Russia & US after "MOAB dropped"


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